Do something for yourself. Reach your goals using a system.

Imagine a path to your long term goals that is so systematic, that you can’t not follow it. I’m building a product that guides you to build systems and habits to reach your goals. It’s a structured way of reaching your goals. You will build up your system to get a massive payoff in the future. I promise that in the worst case scenario, you will make meaningful progress toward your goals. In the best case scenario, you will achieve beyond your wildest dreams.

Think about some of the big things that you have achieved in your life. Did you work towards those achievements systematically? Or did you just project a deep desire for something and it magically fell in your lap? The system could have been created by someone else. But you still followed “a” system.

When you went to school, the system was set up by the government, your teachers, and your parents. They couldn’t control everything. But most people were pushed through the schooling system and graduated. It wasn’t “your” system, but it was “a” system.

Think about how your employer extracts work out of you. You don’t always bring your A-game. But you turn up most days and get the job done - well enough. You sometimes even forego a good night’s sleep to keep the lights on for your employer. It’s not “your” system, but it’s “a” system to extract productivity from you.

If you have ever binge watched every episode of a TV show, then you have applied a systematic approach to mass consuming tell-a-vision programming content.

Imagine how much you could achieve with a system that aligns with your long term goals. Rather than working for a stranger’s system.

But most people allow themselves to be pushed around by other people’s systems. So take control of your time by setting up your own system.

We were never taught how to reach our own goals. We are conditioned from birth to fulfill other peoples’ goals. Like good workers, soldiers, and customers.

The truth is that nobody cares if you live the kind of fulfilling life that you want to live. When other people want something from us, they push us to give it to them. Vendors want us to buy their products. The government wants us to pay their taxes. Universities want us to buy their degrees. Employers want us to do our jobs. The media wants us to think that this hamster wheel is the only way to live.

If we don’t set our own direction, then we will always be like a boat without a rudder. Being blown around by the wind, and pushed around by the waves.

You have to make a very important choice. Either put yourself first and focus on your goals. Or spend the rest of your life being pushed around by the agendas of people who want something from you.

What makes me so “qualified” to talk about achieving goals

Every time that I have succeeded in something, it was because of a systematic approach. Despite my creative nature, it was systems and habits that led to me achieving anything worthwhile.

I blame a lack of systems for most of my failures. I would wake up every morning and go to work within someone else’s system. I would do great work for my employer. But I didn’t make any progress towards the things that really mattered to me. I just wished for them. And the wishes without plans never came true.

My name is Slava Razbash and you can connect with me on LinkedIn. I’ve achieved several big goals in my life. I’ve built a successful career in data science. I’ve shed approximately 35 kg in fat, and gained some muscle. I can now do one-armed push ups, and one-legged squats. In 2019, I started a data science events business. It was starting to take off until the great flu-like wealth transfer of 2020 - 2022. You can watch a video of a younger, fatter version of me here. I was presenting to a live audience of 250 people.

I’ve stepped on enough rakes to figure out a method for achieving goals. My method will help you set up the systems, and habits that will lead to you achieving your goals. It’s unique.

How it will work

There will be a structured way for you to set your goals. Then there will be a process to set up systems and habits to work towards your goals.

If you stick with it, you are guaranteed to have a massive payoff in the future. Because you will be consistently working towards your goals.

I’ll illustrate the idea with an example. I made awesome gains in the gym by using a program. I turned up consistently and followed the program. Sometimes I couldn’t complete a workout. Occasionally I missed a session. But the consistent effort paid off over time. Imagine if you could create “gym programs” to apply to all areas of your life. Imagine how good your life will become over time.

If you have struggled to stick with a gym program in the past, imagine a program to follow a program. So it’s really easy to start. Once you get going, it’s easy to go harder.

Get on the waitlist

It’s still under construction. But you can be at the front of line when it launches. Enter your email below and I’ll email you when it’s ready.

Tell someone who needs to read this

You might know someone who needs to get their life organised. Share this page with that person.

Another relationship boosting tactic is sharing interesting things. Strengthen your relationship by sharing useful information. More importantly, they will think higher of you for seeking and recognising useful things. Share this with someone that you want to strengthen your relationship with.

Is this right for me?

Once launched, this has the potential to drastically change your life. However it’s not for everyone. When I was younger, I was shocked to realise that different people have different goals. And some people’s goals are simply to consume more tell-a-vision programming content, and more trashy “food” and substances. So you have the option of closing this window and switching on your favourite program. But I have a feeling that you are not one of those people. I don’t think that you want to keep being pushed around by other people’s agendas. So enter your email, jump on the waitlist, and I’ll email you when this life changing opportunity launches.

Achieve beyond your wildest dreams